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About U Beautiful Creation LLC

"yoU are a BEAUTIFUL CREATION in Christ Jesus"

At U Beautiful Creation LLC, we are on a mission to revolutionize social media with Christian based teachings, discussions, conferences, and events. We currently broadcast on YouTube and various public access stations in Michigan.  We host LIVE interactive broadcasts on various topics and do speaking engagements.  We are looking into online classes. 

Educating the body of Christ is key.  Learning ones identity in Christ Jesus will help someone overcome so many struggles in life. Come to know 'who you are in Christ Jesus' and always know that

yoU are a BEAUTIFUL CREATON in Christ Jesus.

U Beautiful Creation

U Beautiful Creation

U Beautiful Creation
Are you led by the Holy Spirit?

Are you led by the Holy Spirit?

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How your words frame your world

How your words frame your world

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Pray for your love ones  It’s an incorruptible seed  It WILL go forth and produce  #prayeranswered

Pray for your love ones It’s an incorruptible seed It WILL go forth and produce #prayeranswered

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You HAVE the gift of discernment. Receive it. Use it. Change your atmosphere  short UBC 221

You HAVE the gift of discernment. Receive it. Use it. Change your atmosphere short UBC 221

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About Tina Jackson
and Her Salvation Story

About Tina and UBC 

In May of 2020, Tina completed her 3rd year of studies with Charis Bible College with a certificate in Leadership and Biblical Studies, a licensed minister.

In 2005 U Beautiful Creation was birthed as a vision of something in the future.  It was not until 2012 that Tina was interviewed on a television show to teach on the mysteries revealed on speaking in tongues.  It was then, that the dream of long ago begin to look like a soon reality.  In May of 2014 UBC launched on Lake Orion ONTV.  Since then it has extended to other public access stations in Michigan and mini-vlogs as well on YouTube.

Tina feels it is important to encourage others to have a relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.




I grew up in Warren, Michigan, went to a private Christian school and to church 'occasionally'- basically on the Resurrection Sunday and Christmas.  When my husband and I moved to the Grand Blanc area in June 2002, we wanted to enroll our toddlers into a Christian Sunday school program (they were under 2 years old). The denomination I grew up with said the kids needed to be 5 years and older to 'learn'. Being a graduate from Wayne State University, as a teacher, I knew that was an incorrect statement... the truth is 'by the time they are 5 years old, their foundation is set'. So I found a Non-Denominational Church listed in the Yellow Pages that said, "Sunday school from birth on up".


My husband and I took the kids to the Sunday school. We had to sit with them for the first two months because they were scared to be away from us (two separate classes). My husband and I were learning awesome truths that we never heard before while we sat in Baby/Toddler Sunday school. We would only stay for the 45 minute Sunday school, then leave when the main service was going to start. (Another 1.5 hours of church was too much for us back then).

After two months, I could leave felt comfortable that our oldest was adjusting to Sunday school so I ventured to the adult study (my husband stayed with the baby). I'll never forget, the first scripture I heard was

"Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one goes to the Father except through the son" (John 14:6).

I was floored! I urged my husband to come to the adult study with me the next week, but he couldn't. The next week was:

"Many will say to me, 'Lord, didn't we cast out demons in your name...(etc.)...He says 'Be gone from me I never knew you" (Matthew 7:21-24).

I just spoke out in class and said "WHAT??? These sound like people of the robe...??? What is He saying?"

The leader responded, "You need to come to know Jesus personally. You need to commune with him daily".

I said "HE'S DEAD!"

They said, "No, he's alive. You need to 'tune' into his voice...."


I began to 'seek' the Lord and listen to the TCT programs (Total Christian Television) and Charles Stanley on the A.M. 600 in the morning. Then one day in November 2002,

Charles asked, "If you died today, do you know if you would go to heaven?"

I put my eye linear down as I looked in the mirror and said, "I don't know..."

He went on and said, "If you give Him your heart today, and ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior you will be saved..."

Right then and there I fell to my knees (in the throne room--bathroom--LOL) and with tears in my eyes said the prayer. I felt a huge weight lift of my shoulders that I never knew was there. Jesus came into my heart. I felt so clean and free. It brought me on a greater journey of wanting to know more and more about Him.


Then in June 2003 a friend informed me about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (speaking in tongues). I didn't know anything about that. The church I was attending didn't believe in it.

Needless to say, when I heard...

"Satan wants to steal, kill and destroy me and my family"; (John 10:10)

"God gives good gifts"; (Luke 11:13)

"When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive Power" (Acts 1:8)

I said "Bring it on!!! I need all the help I can get!!!!"


The Holy Spirit filled me June 17, 2003 at 6:50 a.m. Through the infilling of the Holy Spirit, scripture cames alive more easily than before.  You will find I have a teaching on the "Mysteries Revealed on Speaking in Tongues", as a book and on YouTube as a video teaching.  Over the years, the Lord has taught me the various 'purposes' of why tongues is so important. As I walk with the Lord, He keeps on revealing more and more revelation of His word. 


If you would like to experience the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, call on the name of Jesus, today.  Make Jesus, your Lord and Savior and He will lead you into all truth.

Salvation Story

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